Prof. Dirk Messner
President of the Federal Environment Agency
"We need such initiatives. Initiatives that encourage us and make us act. After all, we all need to do more to protect the climate. The international community, Germany, as well as companies and citizens.”
(Prof. Dirk Messner, Federal Environment Agency)
In February 2020, we founded the association "3 fürs Klima". We do not want to wait until 2050. We can already act, today, now. We want to be ahead of politics when it comes to achieving the Paris agreement and that’s exactly what we are doing. We are climate neutral. Three steps help us get there: improve your own carbon footprint, compensate for the rest and increase your personal handprint, i.e. your social impact (e.g., using the CLIMATE BET). Let's do it!
Communications expert
Corporate Communication
PR & Communication Expert
Intern & Concept Developer
Supporting Communication Designer
The Think & Action Lab FindingSustainia is a project of Think Tank 30 of the German Association Club of Rome. The founders Santa and Anna are part of the CLIMATE BET. FindingSustainia started organising challenges around the topic of sustainability in 2014. Santa and Anna "Meyer & Meyer" not only reported on their own experiments but also interviewed and questioned experts about the background and practical implementation possibilities. In 2017, they won the GLS Blog Award for the best German sustainability blog.
The advisory board of the THE CLIMATE BET has advised us and ensured that we use our funds sparingly and in a way that serves the objective of the bet. The donations are deposited in a fiduciary account, which can only be used with the approval of the advisory board of CLIMATE BET. The donations are forwarded directly to the providers of the selected climate protection projects, less a maximum of 10% for the financing of the CLIMATE BET and external costs such as booking fees.
ConPolicy - Institute for Consumer Policy
Senate administration
University of Freiburg
DC&F Capital Partners
Vice-Chairwoman, Executive Board of Grüner Wirtschaftsdialog e.V.
a.o. German Society Club of Rome
Managing Director Carbonbay GmbH & Co.KG
Our bet sponsors made the bet possible in the first place. We have asked related parties for a loan as starting capital for the CLIMATE BET. These people said: "Let’s do it!" and became bet patrons. They gave us the necessary financial leeway and motivate us to go on. We thank our sponsors for their commitment and trust.
co2online gGmbh,
Lower Rhine University A.U.G.E Institute
Paluka Sobola Loibl & Partner Attorneys at Law mbB,
Kirchlicher Kompensationsfonds gGmbH,
Church musician, Superintendent
Munich tree climbing school, Freeworker
Environmental economist at Infras
Lumenion GmbH,
INEC - Institute for Industrial Ecology University Pforzheim
Paris School of Economics & CNRS/Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne
Managing Director Triodos Bank N.V. Germany
Frankfurt a. M.
DO Climate GmbH,
fairventures worldwide,
myclimate Germany gGmbH,
Board of Directors Greenpeace Energy eG
Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing (FAW/n)
C. Gerhardt GmbH & Co. KG,
EWS Elektrizitätswerke Schönau eG,
Schönau im Schwarzwald
KlimAktiv gGmbH,
Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin
Managing director Schuler Rohstoff GmbH
Executive board OSTWIND AG,
Executive board OSTWIND AG,
The Renewables Academy AG,
Board of Directors of the Foundation Energieeffizienz,
Board of Directors Ludwig-Bölkow-Foundation,
The agency that ensures the success of our communication: tippingpoints. Tipping points are decisive moments when developments take new paths. Since 2012, tippingpoints has been finding these turning points to motivate people to act sustainably. "We understand sustainability. We understand the complexity of biodiversity, environmental and climate protection, or the decarbonisation of mobility. And we implement them ourselves. We go to work by bike, we use the train instead of a car, and we are always happy about Fairtrade coffee, which keeps us awake for more good ideas".
Web developers since 2000 with a focus on climate protection, sustainability, and the mobility transition. Note: It’s pure coincidence that zwo3 uses Typo3 when working for “3 fürs Klima”.
Many people and organisations have been campaigning for better climate action for many years, even for decades. We ask them whether they want to support us by spreading the CLIMATE BET and, thus, by creating a network for even more effective climate action. In order to send a strong political message to the negotiating states in Glasgow, the following organisations have already replied and supported us: "Let's do it!”.
NABU Renningen-Malsmheim