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  • 1 ton CO2
    = 25 Euros
  • 2 tons CO2
    = 50 Euros
  • 3 tons CO2
    = 75 Euros
  • 4 tons CO2
    = 100 Euros
  • 5 tons CO2
    = 125 Euros
  • 1 t
  • 2 t
  • 3 t
  • 4 t
  • 5 t

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Tons CO2 =  Euros

The minimum contribution is one ton of CO2 = 25€.

Select your climate protection project(s)

Click on the picture(s) to select your preferred climate protection project(s)!

Solarpanels Solarpanels
Cooking stoves Cooking stoves
Reforestation Reforestation
Biogas Biogas
Reforestation & biochar Reforestation & biochar
CO2 Certificates CO2 Certificates







Solar panels for education & quality of life 

About half of the rural population in Ethiopia and Kenya lives in villages without electricity. The only source of light after nightfall in these regions are kerosene lamps which emit a lot of soot. The project participants replace the kerosene lamps, which are harmful to health and climate, with bright solar-powered LED lights. This is accompanied by an education and training concept that ensures that the solar home systems can be installed and maintained by local solar technicians. This improves local living conditions and avoids around 14,000 tons of CO2 per year.



Energy-efficient cooking stoves





Cooking facilities and clean drinking water

With this project, the Klima-Kollekte supports the manufacture of energy-efficient cooking stoves produced and distributed in Rwanda. Using these, the demand for firewood and coal is reduced by around 45 %. This counteracts deforestation and reduces CO2 - by around 25,000 tons a year for all users combined. This climate protection project primarily helps the poorest households, mostly women and children, who suffer greatly from indoor air pollution. The project participants will also recieve water filters, which will further improve their health situation by providing clean drinking water to them.







Reforestation for the restoration of rainforest vegetation

On the many cleared areas in Kibale National Park in Uganda, the fast-growing elephant grass prevents the rainforest from regenerating. Of course, the carbon sink capacity of a fully-fledged rainforest exceeds the carbon storage capacity of elephant grass by far. This is why PRIMAKLIMA joins forces with the local population engaging in rainforest reforestation. Within the scope of this project, degraded areas are being reforested. Over 60 year duration of the project, this will bind around 4.5 million tons of CO2 and allow rainforest vegetation and biodiversity to return. A project’s success depends on looking after the younger trees and implementing anti-wildfire measures. Thus, the project will create training and income opportunities for the local population. 


Small biogas plants





Smal biogas plants in Nepal

With this project, atmosfair and AEPC enable the construction of small  biogas plants in rural Nepal and thus provide an environmentally friendly energy supply. Instead of firewood, cooking can be done with biogas. This significantly reduces the extremely unhealthy development of smoke indoors. The emission of greenhouse gases is also reduced - around 4880,000 t of CO2 per year through this project alone. 



Reforestation & biochar


Fairventures Worldwide & Carbonfuture



Sustainable tree planting in Borneo & charcoal in Europe

Since 2014, the Fairventures is implementing afforestation activities in Borneo, Indonesia aimed at a two goals simultaneously: on one hand they sustainably reforest destroyed rainforest areas and on the other, they keep virgin forests from being degraded once more by the palm oil industry. Importantly, this concept is implemented in collaboration with the local people who benefit from the forest. Since 2014, the model project has involved the planting of 1 million trees and created a sustainable economic basis for over 1,000 farmers. Now the next step will consist of expanding this approach across the country. With your contribution, 5 more trees would be planted and raised.

In addition, 20% of the donation will go to an innovative project for the production and agricultural use of certified biochar in France, Sweden, Austria and Germany. This permanently removes CO2 from the air and at the same time increases e.g. soil fertility.


CO2 Certificates






Year on year, coal and gas fired power plants and large industrial plants in Europe have to surrender CO2 pollution rights (EUA) for the amount of CO2e they emit. They are obliged to do so under the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). Compensators* buy up such pollution rights. However, instead of using the associated right to emit, each certificate purchased by Compensators* reduces emissions within Europe by one ton. The available pollution rights are becoming scarcer, which increases their price. This incentivizes companies to invest more quickly in carbon-saving technologies. One EUA purchased and permanently withheld means one ton less carbon emissions in Europe!

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