Digital, direct, political: This is what makes the CLIMATE BET special
Not despite, but because of Corona, the German association "3 fürs Klima" launched the nationwide campaign "The CLIMATE BET" last autumn. "Climate protection cannot be postponed," emphasizes initiator and association spokesman Dr. Michael Bilharz. "As a digital initiative, we show that commitment and protest for a better climate also works from home." With the collected donations, the CLIMATE BET not only wants to directly support climate protection projects. The collected votes will also be used to send a political appeal for more effective climate protection measures to the climate conference in Glasgow by November 2021. The plan: instead of just demanding better climate protection from politicians, 1 million people will visibly set a good example by measurably and effectively saving tons of CO2. Once the target has been reached, the 1 million tons of CO2 saved will be symbolically handed over to the UN and the negotiating countries in Glasgow. In this way, the CLIMATE BET is the first initiative to link both the practical benefits and the political potential of climate protection projects that are already supported by millions of people worldwide.
100,000 euros climate protection budget from the centre of society
Last Friday, the initiative reached the first six-figure donation mark with 100,000 euros. The money directly goes into carbon offset projects of non-profit organisations such as myclimate, atmosfair or Klima-Kollekte. The money is used to finance reforestation, solar and energy efficiency projects or to withdraw CO2 certificates from the European Emissions Trading Scheme. Donors can decide for themselves which projects their money will go to. More than 2,100 people have raised the sum so far and thus already avoided more than 4,000 tons of CO2. That corresponds to the emissions of 19 million kilometres driven by car. There is still a long way to go to reach the million, but the CLIMATE BET is growing steadily and hopes for the possibilities of exponential growth in a positive sense through the personal contributions of those who have already participated.
What can individuals do to protect the climate? The answer of the CLIMATE BET is very simple: save the next ton of CO2. "When it comes to saving CO2, we often get lost in the details," says Dr. Michael Bilharz, who is responsible for the CO2 calculator at the German Federal Environment Agency. Many people are therefore frustrated, resigned and pass on their responsibility to politics. The CLIMATE BET wants to show that there are simple and effective ways to save CO2 yourself. "We are broadening the view in two directions: Firstly, everyone can permanently reduce their own CO2 footprint by simple means. After all, the average German emits 11 t of CO2e per year. Secondly, we emphasize that private donations for high-quality climate protection projects are a sleeping giant in terms of climate protection." The aim is to give people a sense of the Big Points in CO2 emissions, to show ways to save them and to make an offer to use this also as a political statement for more climate action.
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The CLIMATE BET is supported by the association "3 fürs Klima", which motivates and supports people in achieving the Paris target at an individual level today. The members of the association commit themselves to a climate-neutral life and implement this goal with the "Triad for the Climate": Reduce one's own carbon footprint, compensate for the rest and finally take others with them on the path to a climate-neutral society in order to increase one's personal handprint. The association was initiated by a group of committed environmental experts from all over Germany, including Dr. Michael Bilharz, who is responsible for the CO2 calculator at the German Federal Environment Agency.
The patron of the campaign is Prof. Dirk Messner, President of the German Federal Environment Agency.
The members of the advisory board of the CLIMATE BET are: Prof. Christian Thorun (ConPolicy GmbH), Marieluise Hoppenbrock (Berlin Senate Department), Prof. Christian Berg (German Club of Rome Society), Gabriele C. Klug (Grüner Wirtschaftsdialog e.V.), Prof. Rainer Grießhammer (University of Freiburg), Dagmar Bottenbruch (DC&F Capital Partners), Wolfgang Brückner (Carbonbay GmbH).
The communication of the campaign is implemented in cooperation with the sustainability blog FindingSustainia and the sustainability agency tippingpoints.
30 bet sponsors have secured the financing for the start through an interest-free loan. In addition, the CLIMATE BET cooperates with non-profit offsetting service providers (myclimate, Klima-Kollekte, atmosfair, PRIMAKLIMA, Fairventures Worldwide, Compensators*), green electricity providers (Greenpeace Energy, NATURSTROM AG, EWS Schönau, Bürgerwerke) and eco-banks (GLS Bank, Triodos Bank, EthikBank, UmweltBank).
The campaign is also supported by the following organisations and initiatives so far: GermanZero, Omas for Future, B.A.U.M., UnternehmensGrün, Netzwerk :Klimaherbst, Klimafasten a.o. (