Green electricity
100% renewable
View tipBeing green is not difficult at all! Here you will find many possibilities.
Our Quick Tips show you how easy it is to flip the green switch in just 30 minutes!
Quick tips are not enough for you, and you want to learn more about how to implement a greener daily lifestyle? Great, Santa and Anna are happy to welcome you for a monthly challenge!
Do you wonder what you can do to improve your own CO2 footprint? Well, a reasonable start would be to set a good example for politicians: Flip the switch to climate protection! You don't know how big your footprint is? No problem, this CO2 calculator will help you assessing it. Change the framework conditions in such a way that climate protection goes by itself and becomes the norm. It works in big politics as well as in everyday life. We give you nine examples that (almost) everyone can implement with ease. Let's do it!
To effectively protect the climate, we need 100% renewable energy. Concerning your personal power consumption, you can do this in no time by simply purchasing green electricity. The changeover takes less than 30 minutes, and you will permanently save 0.8 t CO2 per year on average (assuming consumption of 1,500 kWh). We recommend green electricity pioneer providers who have been shaping the energy turnaround for years.
What happens with the money in our accounts? Does it help to finance coal-fired power stations or even the weapons industry? Let your money support climate protection to 100%. Switch to an ecological bank or engage in climate-friendly investments. 5,000 euros invested in an ecological bank saves up to 1 tonne of carbon emissions per year. With current accounts and savings products such as overnight or fixed-term deposits, your money is (as with any bank) protected by the statutory deposit insurance up to 100,000 Euros per person. We recommend you to look for pioneers of climate-friendly and sustainable investments.
100% of renewable energies are not only needed for electricity and mobility, but also for heating. This does not require the "cornification" of arable land, but sustainable biogas from residual materials or innovative concepts such as wind gas. Flip the switch: switching to a green gas provider takes less than 30 minutes, and you will permanently save an average of around 1.4 t CO2 per year (assuming a consumption of 6,000 kWh). We recommend you to look for green gas pioneers who have been fighting for years for the energy turnaround.
To effectively protect the climate, we need 100% renewable energy. Concerning your personal power consumption, you can do this in no time by simply purchasing green electricity. The changeover takes less than 30 minutes, and you will permanently save 0.8 t CO2 per year on average (assuming consumption of 1,500 kWh). We recommend green electricity pioneer providers who have been shaping the energy turnaround for years.
What happens with the money in our accounts? Does it help to finance coal-fired power stations or even the weapons industry? Let your money support climate protection to 100%. Switch to an ecological bank or engage in climate-friendly investments. 5,000 euros invested in an ecological bank saves up to 1 tonne of carbon emissions per year. With current accounts and savings products such as overnight or fixed-term deposits, your money is (as with any bank) protected by the statutory deposit insurance up to 100,000 Euros per person. We recommend you to look for pioneers of climate-friendly and sustainable investments.
100% of renewable energies are not only needed for electricity and mobility, but also for heating. This does not require the "cornification" of arable land, but sustainable biogas from residual materials or innovative concepts such as wind gas. Flip the switch: switching to a green gas provider takes less than 30 minutes, and you will permanently save an average of around 1.4 t CO2 per year (assuming a consumption of 6,000 kWh). We recommend you to look for green gas pioneers who have been fighting for years for the energy turnaround.
The EU energy label is one of the best-known labels. It is familiar to more than 90% of EU consumers; For good reason: if you choose the highest dark green category (usually A+++) when buying a fridge, TV or light bulb, you save a lot of energy and carbon emissions. But, crucially, you also save money as the slightly higher purchase price is more than compensated by the saved electricity costs. Isn't that awesome: By making this single choice, you are permanently saving both carbon emissions and money!
In the EU, you will find the label with the product-relevant information directly on the products. This also applies to online shopping as the visibility of the label is mandatory. Further information can be found in the guide of the German Federal Environmental Agency or on EcoTopTen.
A car is quite useful now and then, but it can also be quite expensive. On average, car owners underestimate the cost of their car by more than 50%! This is especially the case if you only need it for specific occasions and is otherwise parked all year round. A car is quite climate-damaging as well. However, some concepts unify both advantages, fewer cars, and individual mobility: Flip the switch and use stationary* car sharing. One car sharing car replaces about 10 cars on average. If you don't need the car for your daily commuting, you can save several hundred kilograms of CO2 and much money every year!
*In this model, the cars have to be picked up and brought back to a fixed location. In bigger cities, car companies often provide "free-floating" car sharing as well. However, this only works in the conurbations, i.e., at places with good public transport.
On average, we spend about 6 minutes in the shower. After only 10 minutes, you could fill a whole bathtub with the warm water. Where is the problem? Not only does this cost a lot of money, heating the water results in 380 kg of carbon emissions each year. Now, there is an easy way to flip the switch to climate action: replace the shower head with a climate-friendly model. The best about it is that it comes with a whirlpool-effect as well as with economies of about 80 Euros and 150 kg CO2 per person and year.
You can find top products at EcoTopTen.
The EU energy label is one of the best-known labels. It is familiar to more than 90% of EU consumers; For good reason: if you choose the highest dark green category (usually A+++) when buying a fridge, TV or light bulb, you save a lot of energy and carbon emissions. But, crucially, you also save money as the slightly higher purchase price is more than compensated by the saved electricity costs. Isn't that awesome: By making this single choice, you are permanently saving both carbon emissions and money!
In the EU, you will find the label with the product-relevant information directly on the products. This also applies to online shopping as the visibility of the label is mandatory. Further information can be found in the guide of the German Federal Environmental Agency or on EcoTopTen.
A car is quite useful now and then, but it can also be quite expensive. On average, car owners underestimate the cost of their car by more than 50%! This is especially the case if you only need it for specific occasions and is otherwise parked all year round. A car is quite climate-damaging as well. However, some concepts unify both advantages, fewer cars, and individual mobility: Flip the switch and use stationary* car sharing. One car sharing car replaces about 10 cars on average. If you don't need the car for your daily commuting, you can save several hundred kilograms of CO2 and much money every year!
*In this model, the cars have to be picked up and brought back to a fixed location. In bigger cities, car companies often provide "free-floating" car sharing as well. However, this only works in the conurbations, i.e., at places with good public transport.
On average, we spend about 6 minutes in the shower. After only 10 minutes, you could fill a whole bathtub with the warm water. Where is the problem? Not only does this cost a lot of money, heating the water results in 380 kg of carbon emissions each year. Now, there is an easy way to flip the switch to climate action: replace the shower head with a climate-friendly model. The best about it is that it comes with a whirlpool-effect as well as with economies of about 80 Euros and 150 kg CO2 per person and year.
You can find top products at EcoTopTen.
Organic products can be easily recognised by the organic seal. They are available in every supermarket, but only in reduced supply. Coupled with questions about other environmental criteria such as packaging, regionality, or seasonality the ecological purchase of a tomato quickly becomes a complicated question. Even ecological experts struggle when it comes to case-by-case decisions.
Our advice: Delegate the complexity to the shop owners and make sustainable shopping easier. Simply go for organic food by shopping in organic food stores or organic supermarkets. In individual cases, your product may not have the very best life cycle assessment, but you are on the safe side overall. You can enjoy the full range of tasty products while supporting people committed to ecological and sustainable agriculture!
Why don't you check if there is an organic grocery store near you?
The climate, your own health, animal welfare: there are many good reasons to eat less meat and other animal products. But what does "less" actually mean? In Germany, the average consumption of meat and sausages is way too high for health reasons alone. In its 10 dietary rules, the German Nutrition Society recommends a maximum of 15 - 30 kg of meat and sausage per person and year. In Germany, however, consumption is around 60 kg. With your decision for a vegetarian or a vegan diet, you can save an average of 400 (vegetarian) to about 800 (vegan) kg CO2e per year. This is because vegetable protein and fat suppliers also have a much better climate balance. You might ask why this is listed as a quick tip, after all it affects your whole life, right? True, but taking this decision is a one-time event. You decide once to become vegan and by implementing this decision, you save lots of CO2 without having to think about it over and over again. Once you commit yourself to it, you just do it.
The Paris agreement of 2015 made climate neutrality one of the most crucial globally recognised and pursued goals. What many people do not yet know: as individuals, we can already be climate neutral. No one has to be responsible for additional CO₂. For this purpose, the association 3 for climate (“3 fürs Klima”) combines three approaches in order to build a complete strategy for climate neutral individuals: reducing the carbon footprint, compensating for remaining CO₂ and increasing the handprint by convincing other people to form a climate-neutral society. Flip the switch and avoid your entire carbon footprint (depending on your personal CO₂ footprint, at least 5 tonnes of CO₂ per year.) Take a step towards a lasting climate-neutral life with 3 for climate e.V. It takes you less than 30 minutes!
Organic products can be easily recognised by the organic seal. They are available in every supermarket, but only in reduced supply. Coupled with questions about other environmental criteria such as packaging, regionality, or seasonality the ecological purchase of a tomato quickly becomes a complicated question. Even ecological experts struggle when it comes to case-by-case decisions.
Our advice: Delegate the complexity to the shop owners and make sustainable shopping easier. Simply go for organic food by shopping in organic food stores or organic supermarkets. In individual cases, your product may not have the very best life cycle assessment, but you are on the safe side overall. You can enjoy the full range of tasty products while supporting people committed to ecological and sustainable agriculture!
Why don't you check if there is an organic grocery store near you?
The climate, your own health, animal welfare: there are many good reasons to eat less meat and other animal products. But what does "less" actually mean? In Germany, the average consumption of meat and sausages is way too high for health reasons alone. In its 10 dietary rules, the German Nutrition Society recommends a maximum of 15 - 30 kg of meat and sausage per person and year. In Germany, however, consumption is around 60 kg. With your decision for a vegetarian or a vegan diet, you can save an average of 400 (vegetarian) to about 800 (vegan) kg CO2e per year. This is because vegetable protein and fat suppliers also have a much better climate balance. You might ask why this is listed as a quick tip, after all it affects your whole life, right? True, but taking this decision is a one-time event. You decide once to become vegan and by implementing this decision, you save lots of CO2 without having to think about it over and over again. Once you commit yourself to it, you just do it.
The Paris agreement of 2015 made climate neutrality one of the most crucial globally recognised and pursued goals. What many people do not yet know: as individuals, we can already be climate neutral. No one has to be responsible for additional CO₂. For this purpose, the association 3 for climate (“3 fürs Klima”) combines three approaches in order to build a complete strategy for climate neutral individuals: reducing the carbon footprint, compensating for remaining CO₂ and increasing the handprint by convincing other people to form a climate-neutral society. Flip the switch and avoid your entire carbon footprint (depending on your personal CO₂ footprint, at least 5 tonnes of CO₂ per year.) Take a step towards a lasting climate-neutral life with 3 for climate e.V. It takes you less than 30 minutes!
Looking for more ways to reduce your CO₂ footprint? Take part in our CO₂-Challenges. After all, climate protection is also a question of inner attitude, leaving established routines behind, and personal well-being. Fair clothes, a vegan steak, or taking the bike out of the cellar: every month, we challenge ourselves with a new topic. On our blog you will find inspiring challenges from our bloggers Anna and Santa. Together with the entire Climate Bet team, they write about valuable tips and give you the perfect tools for the challenges you are looking for.
Climate protection is a task for society as a whole, but not every person in our society has the same opportunities as others. The ecological footprint gives us an easy way to make our consumption more sustainable, but this often comes up against structural limits. In order to still contribute to a social change towards more climate action, there is the option to become socially and politically active - as our Handprint Challenge demonstrates. In this challenge, we want to shape the social and political debate in favor of strong climate protection in order to create the framework conditions for a more sustainable society.
Overflowing landfills, polluted cities and plastic islands in the ocean - all this can be traced back to our increasing consumption and increased waste production. This makes rubbish a real threat to us, our environment and diverse ecosystems. As long as politicians don't act, we act - that's why this month we decided to take up the challenge together with you and reduce our waste with the Zero Waste Challenge and expand our creative horizons regarding plastic-free alternatives. Are you in?
Lent is traditionally a time of conscious renunciation in order to return to values and virtues. Even non-religious people can use this time to leave their comfort zone and try something new. That is why we would like to challenge you with this challenge on the topic of renouncing consumption until the beginning of April.
Climate protection is a task for society as a whole, but not every person in our society has the same opportunities as others. The ecological footprint gives us an easy way to make our consumption more sustainable, but this often comes up against structural limits. In order to still contribute to a social change towards more climate action, there is the option to become socially and politically active - as our Handprint Challenge demonstrates. In this challenge, we want to shape the social and political debate in favor of strong climate protection in order to create the framework conditions for a more sustainable society.
Overflowing landfills, polluted cities and plastic islands in the ocean - all this can be traced back to our increasing consumption and increased waste production. This makes rubbish a real threat to us, our environment and diverse ecosystems. As long as politicians don't act, we act - that's why this month we decided to take up the challenge together with you and reduce our waste with the Zero Waste Challenge and expand our creative horizons regarding plastic-free alternatives. Are you in?
Lent is traditionally a time of conscious renunciation in order to return to values and virtues. Even non-religious people can use this time to leave their comfort zone and try something new. That is why we would like to challenge you with this challenge on the topic of renouncing consumption until the beginning of April.